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Frequently asked questions

You can sign up by clicking here or by opting in after each purchase
Rewards are earned by making purchases from www.naturesanswer.com website only and creating an account. Nature’s Answer does not provide rewards for products purchased from 3rd parties or other methods of purchase other than using the nature’s answer official website.

The rewards program offers 2 points for every dollar you purchase. You can continue to accumulate points as you shop and redeem those points for other products in the future.
Each order will vary on the amount of points earned. Typically you will earn 2 points per each dollar purchased, excluding sales tax and shipping.

For example, if you order $200 worth of products, you will receive 400 points.
You can redeem your points for any of the products offered on the website. Points can not be redeemed with any other type of order.
For every 100 points you can redeem $10.00. Check your account for the conversion specific to the amount of points you have.
Rewards are able to be redeemed for up to 12 months from the date of purchase.
Yes,you can use your rewards to send them to others as a gift
Rewards can be used for promotions unless it’s stated on the promotion otherwise. See the details of the promotion offered for more details.
You can track your rewards here once you login to your account.
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